The Meeting Professional's Handbook

This helpful guide, excerpted from The Meeting and Event Planning Playbook by Debi Scholar and Susan Losurdo, is designed to serve as a handy resource for those tasked with the surprisingly complex task of sourcing, planning and executing meetings of all types. From risk management considerations to planning timelines and reconciling invoices, this eBook is a resource you will refer to again and again, to be sure no detail has been overlooked.

The planning of meetings requires complex activities, numerous suppliers, multiple resources and risk mitigation, and results in significant spend.

Every meeting professional should ask — and be able to answer — these 75+ questions.

Put this checklist into Excel to make a chronological project plan.

What you should be doing to prepare for a meeting at every step of the way.     

Here’s a glimpse at a typical day in the life of an on-site meeting planner.

Because multiple hotel departments issue invoices (catering, housekeeping, and more), errors are common. Here's how to navigate the morass.

The Meeting Professional's Handbook

This helpful guide, excerpted from The Meeting and Event Planning Playbook by Debi Scholar and Susan Losurdo, is designed to serve as a handy resource for those tasked with the surprisingly complex task of sourcing, planning and executing meetings of all types. From risk management considerations to planning timelines and reconciling invoices, this eBook is a resource you will refer to again and again, to be sure no detail has been overlooked.